CaseSurfer is a cloud based App for organizing, sharing and discussing medicalimaging cases. We propose collective intelligence for Healthcare.
Keep all your interest cases directly into your mobile phone, iPad or through a web
browser. Create a new case, save the important data, relevant images and create folders
for organizing them by diseases, special conditions, or any criteria you choose.
Every case is uploaded to a cloud server. So you can access it from everywhere, or any
computer. You don’t need to carry them on your laptop, computer, iPad or phone.
When your case is uploaded you can share it in a private mode to any other CaseSurfer
user. Just find the name of a colleague and send him/her the case. The user will receive an
invitation and after accepting it you will be able to comment the case and receive his or
her opinions. You can also create a group of contacts that you can use to easily share a
case to several colleagues at the same time.
Share a case and begin a discussion of a clinical point of view, receive colleague’s opinions
or management strategies. Every case is anonymized and the receiver will not be able to
see names in order to protect patient’s sensible data.
Track all your activity and comments with your Timeline. Timeline displays your new
uploaded cases and comments of other shared cases or a discussion you have started about a case.